Welcome to my blog! Come check it out if want to learn more about collecting United States Coins.
Check Your Change!
One day, I took the change out of my pants pocket and never expected to fine the 1919 Lincoln Cent that you see at the top of the page. Indeed this was a surprise as I don’t usually find coins over a century old in change and I haven’t seen as many Lincoln Wheat Cents as I did when I started collecting in the 1970s. Besides Lincoln Wheat Cents, I have found silver Jefferson Nickels, Buffalo Nickels (though most of them have their dates worn), and Mercury Dimes
in change. To me, this definitely makes coin collecting fun.
I Enjoy Collecting US Coins
Whether adding to a Whitman folder or a coin album, it’s enjoyable getting closer to completing them. It should be noted that some coins are simple to collect like Jefferson Nickels, Roosevelt Dimes, and Franklin Half Dollars. On the other hand, some have key dates that may cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get. These include the 1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent and 1916-D Mercury Dime.
Hope This Blog Will Be Beneficial To You And Me
There are two things I hope to accomplish putting together this blog.
First, I hope to get more people into collecting coins, especially young people. It seems like there are less young people interested in collecting than when I was a kid. There are things that can be learned through collecting coins like why some nickels had silver and how the Civil War impacted coins like the Two Cent, Three Cent, and Nickel.
Second, I hope to learn more through this blog, between the articles I place here and the comments that I receive. Undoubtedly, I believe we can learn more from each other.
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